March 2025!
Giddy Rebrand Launch Party
Friday, March 14th (6-8pm)
Giddy wants to celebrate with you! We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to create a fresh new logo and curating experiences that align with the true nature of GIDDY. And we don’t think there’s any better place to celebrate than with YOU, Seattle!
Vibes of the gathering:
Okay…So I know we don’t have a lot of boarding school kids here, so I’ll paint a picture for you:
The teachers keep you busy so you stay out of trouble; that being said, there are pockets of downtime that feel like summer camp. Here’s a snapshot example:
After your mandatory afternoon sports or theater practice (3:30-5pm), you wander to the dining hall to eat and subsequently find your friends before study hall begins (8-10pm). There are three places on campus that you know you’ll potentially bump into a collection of friends to do much of nothing with (in the best, most playful way). The core three spots are: the dining hall, the front lawn, and the gym. We barely use cell phones, so you have to aimlessly, excitedly, awkwardly (with a healthy dose of FOMO) roam around campus in search for your humans.
When you spot them all playing four square or eating chicken pot pie or arguing about a homework assignemnt, you scurry over to join the mix.
Giddy by Nature’s REBRAND LAUNCH PARTY will feel like this. After college, it’s not often we experience this feeling of wandering around campus, knowing you’ll bump into your friends in the hallways or in the dining hall. This feeling of togetherness. Of being in it together. Of after-school-playdates.
For this giddy gathering, my dear friend Lisa Willis has offered to host us in her home in Magnolia. Thank you, Lisa!!
We’ll provide light refreshments (non-alcoholic event!)
We’ll be SELLING NEW MERCH! (Bring cash or pay Venmo)
Obviously a killer Spotify playlist will be boppin’
My darling friend Hilary Bowen O’Dougherty will lead us through a short meditation around 6:30pm - as a special ceremony for launching this new season of giddy and everyone coming together!
There will be giddy activities that will be announced closer to the launch party
Address + details will be emailed to you when you RSVP
Lastly: Maybe you don’t know many others attending, but you show up anyway. Giddy’s number one rule is SHOW UP AS YOU ARE. We miss out on too much waiting to be ready, waiting to be happy enough / health enough / ready enough to begin.
Writing Workshop at Miro Tea
Sunday, March 23rd 6:30-8pm
Your writing matters.
What: Come be a giddy student for the evening. Whether you’re scared of journaling or have a 10-year-practice, this is for YOU.
We’ll be talking about the ways in which writing helps you hear your inner voice; how writing helps you trust yourself. You’ll leave feeling inspired to write.
Save your spot.