1:1 Giddy Coaching for Adults 


"Cinda’s ability to create these shifts in such a short amount of time is powerful, but even more remarkable is her ability to match those big insights with tangible take always, growth-oriented tasks, and dream-inspiring, fun activities to keep the fire alive! I leave each session eagerly awaiting the next as I know it will be filled with magic! I love Cinda!” 


"Not only is Lucinda's giddiness contagious, but she also shares tools for how everyone can access what lights them up. I came away from coaching sessions with realistic and actionable goals for the week/month/year! In a completely judgment-free zone, Lucinda listened to my jumble of emotions and helped me disentangle them so that I could understand what I was feeling more clearly. She then encouraged me to trust those feelings and use them as guides. Her recap summaries were also incredible resources between sessions, full of personalized affirmations, playlists, and "homework" to keep me accountable to the goals I had set."

“Cinda is a game changer for anyone who is lucky enough to work with her! She is the ultimate hype woman: she gently pushes you out of your comfort zone and brings a dose of reality that you need to wake up in your inner child to get in touch with your greater calling. I leave our sessions feeling more of myself, full of energy, and truly in touch with all that is possible in my life. She helps you come home to who you are in the best ways possible."    

"I had been grappling with these things I want to do in my life - but they all felt irresponsible, silly, or just unattainable.  Cinda not only made me feel seen and validated in what I wanted to pursue, but she lit a fire in me to move forward with it all and do the damn thing.   It was a gradual process, and she helped me start with the small things day to day things that make me feel excited about my life  - while being honest about pursuing my bigger dreams.  Now, two years later, I am doing exactly what we talked about on that summer hike in the PNW." 

"Cinda gave me a space to express whatever I was feeling without judgment. There is something so magical about talking to Cinda that melts away any doubts I have about myself or my abilities. She incorporates personal experiences and a range of tools, always with such kindness and compassion, to help me work through my challenges. Her unique perspective, accompanied by her warm and wonderful personality, in addition to her deep intellect, advice, tools, and killer playlists have helped me unlock so much more confidence in myself that has directly translated into various aspects in my life. Working with Cinda has helped me feel like my happiest, best, and most authentic self again and I am so grateful. Cinda is a truly special and amazing human who I feel so lucky to have on my team." 

"Lucinda is making such an incredible impact on everyone she crosses paths with."